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Simple Steps for Enhancing the Performance of Pneumatic Control Systems

Today, pneumatic systems are essential for many manufacturing processes of everyday items. Engineers use compressed air because of all power systems (electric and hydraulic); it is the safest, most reliable, and offers a simple means of creating direct power transfer.

Although pneumatic controls are efficient, they must be used appropriately to work optimally. Inefficiencies are created when not installed or used correctly. Many of these difficulties are easily correctable, but if left alone, they will negatively affect an overwhelming majority of pneumatic systems used in manufacturing.

It is all too common that manufacturers are not aware of the issues compromising the efficiency of pneumatic controls and pneumatic valves. Under these circumstances, operators are unaware of the real operational cost of their system. Studies suggest that in an average manufacturing plant, only 12-17 cents of every dollar spent to generate compressed air is being used productively. Taken over a long enough period, these problems could amount to serious cash.

There are two essential things to do to ensure you are getting the most out of your systems.

Go through the process to ensure that all air is dry and clean. Compressors can do more than draw in air—they also take in dirt and a significant amount of moisture. When dirty, wet compressed air is added to the system, it will begin to perform poorly. Using and correctly installing filters, dryers, regulators, and aftercoolers can help rectify this problem.

Pneumatic Controls

Reduce the amount of artificial demand, which refers to the creation of high air pressure throughout the system. This problem causes air to be forced through openings (leaks) in the system. The system will continually run as if it needed more air. Reducing artificial demand will minimize the strain on air generation unity while also increasing the lifespan of the pneumatic system.

Related Reading

If you are looking for Pneumatic Controls, Pneumatic Valves then look no further than Ellis/Kuhnke Controls.