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Pneumatic Counters Explained

When constructing pneumatic logic systems, pneumatic timers are as important as counters. There are five versions of pneumatic timers and more variations of counters. Different counters and timers help to complete different jobs in different environments. Considering the plethora of options available, it is important to know the difference between different counters and timers. The purpose of this article is to explain different types of counters and what they do.Pneumatic Counters

The purpose of a counter is to do as its name suggests: it counts. It counts pulses of compressed air while also displaying the count of pulses. Counters can reset manually or can have different reset pulses. These devices are designed to be safe, and they can be used when there is no electricity available.

A totalising counter counts pulses and displays them. The count comes out on a 6 or 8 digit display. For this device, you have options for mounting as well as resetting the device. It is important to note that a 6-digit counter can be reset manually or with a button, but an 8-digit counter cannot be reset.

There is a special type of base mounted pneumatic timer that only comes with a 6-digit display. It is able to handle pressure between 2 and 8 bars. This counter can be reset with a pneumatic signal, as well as manually and with a button.

Pneumatic adding predetermining counters register a 3 to 5 digit display. The counter should be set between 2 and 8 bars. This counter displays two separate readings. One display shows a preset number, and the second display shows the actual count.

A subtracting predetermining counters is not that different from the above counter. The main difference between the two is the lines of display. These counters display digits between 3 and 5. It should also be set between 2 and 8 bars. The lines of display, however, are different. On one display you will see count value that is moving towards zero. For this counter, you have 4 different options for mounting.

Regardless of the job you are doing, it is important to properly take care of your pneumatic counters. You should always use clean, dry oil and compressed air when cleaning your counter or pneumatic timer. To get a full understanding of your different options, as well as installation and upkeep, call a local pneumatics company who knows these products well.

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